Elevator Speech

Imagine that you’re running late for your dream interview. You enter the building and race towards the elevator doors just as they are closing shut. You stretch your arm out in-between the crack of the doors and they bounce open. You hop on in, super proud of yourself, thinking that you might just make it on time. You find the hiring manager for the company you’ve been dying to work for already standing inside! You have about a 30 second ride to the 10th floor- what do you tell him/her about yourself? This is go time and all the fluff about where you were born and raised or about your new dog, Benny, needs to be cut out. 

What are the most important things you want this person to know about you? 

How do you stand out and shine?

Elevator speeches are really effective for people in sales or for people who have a problem to solve. And they follow this typical flow: Opening, Need, Solution, Action.

As a pilot, you’ll most likely use an elevator speech during a job fair or in a meet and greet. Although it can also happen on an airport shuttle bus, standing in line for coffee, or at a dinner party. Your speech should be quick, simple, and well organized. 

Hi, my name is ___________. 

I am a graduate of ___________ (and/or)  I learned to fly at __________. 

For the past 5 years I have flown as a  _________ in a __________for ________ company. (State your current position, the aircraft, and the company.)

I learned to be ___________ and realized I really love ________.  (Add in positive words like: team player, customer service, pay attention to detail, go above and beyond.)

I can’t wait to bring these skills to your company and build upon my previous experience. 

I am also active/involved/interested in ___________. 

(State where you volunteer, any management experience, or anything else you do outside of the cockpit.)

Here is my business card, could I email you my resume? (Make sure you have both on hand.) 

The employer/hiring manager should now have a really clear idea of who you are and what you could contribute to the company. Make sure your elevator speech is well thought out and highlights your best assets and the skills you bring to the table!
