Don't Wear Your Prom Dress For Too Long!

Every moment we have a choice; we can choose to be happy or choose to be upset. I'm very well-versed in both emotions but there have been more times in my life where I have been upset and wallowed in self-pity. I think of my self-pity like an ugly prom dress, it’s a satiny mint green with shoulder ruffles and gaudy as hell but it fits me like a glove and I adore it. As much as I hate to admit this, sometimes I enjoy the comfort of my suffering. It is mine after all. I would rather sit around in my prom dress (my self-centered mess that I have created) then choose a path that I'm not familiar with. Even though I know that this new path may offer me freedom, it also requires me to release all control. How could I possibly let go of this pain to possibly, just maybe, have a little faith in the letting go and giving in, to fully surrender to something greater than myself? Why wouldn’t I choose a life of abundant happiness?

 When I feel this wave of self-pity consume me, I take out my ugly prom dress, twirl around in it, wear it for no more than 10 minutes, and then make a firm choice to take it off. I put my self-pity back in the closet and do the next right thing. Left foot, right foot, repeat. I take a leap of faith and know that I am okay. Every time I decide to jump and take the risk of going down this unfamiliar path the universe ALWAYS rewards me. I have an image of running towards a canyon cliff, leaping with great enthusiasm, and then gently landing on the other side with the tools needed to continue at my feet. After being rewarded each time for having the courage, this builds my faith so I keep jumping.

 There is a choice in every moment of every day. Make the choice to be happy and trust even if it’s unknown what the results will be. Make the choice to step out of your s*** especially if the other option is unknown and scary. You will be rewarded-trust me on this-it is one of the universal laws. Make the choice to leap because each time you do, the more magic and wonder you will see in the universe.
