
If you’re not sure what the next step is in your career or how to get to where you want to go, I can help you with each step of the way. This is all-inclusive and catered to you whether it’s job fair prep, medical questions, failed checkrides, personality assessments, cleaning up your logbook, or networking guidance, I’ll work with you as needed until you takeoff!


Don’t let sloppy paperwork hinder you from getting your dream job! I’ll clean up your application with my magnifying glass and cross-reference your work history and flight times. Next, I’ll create a resume that helps you land the interview! Resumes are sized up in seconds so let’s make sure yours looks fabulous!


Our pilot stories sound good in our head but often times when we start talking and put words to our thoughts we don’t normally convey what we need to in an interview. This is why practicing with someone who has successfully interviewed with a legacy airline can help polish you up! Our first session is 2 hours via Zoom to review your background, discuss the theory of interviewing and practice TMAAT and WWYD questions. Our second session is a full-dress rehearsal of what you can expect on the big day!


My services are ala-carte, but my pricing is always consistent. I won’t charge you hundreds of dollars for a service that only takes me 20 minutes to complete. My time is valuable, and my knowledge is extensive. I charge $179 per hour.